Sunday, March 20, 2011

A little unconventional, but please help

Please reblog this!

This girl is endangering her child by frequently drinking hard liquor late in her pregnancy. Please join the fight to have her child taken away and her punished in a way that is deemed fit by the law enforcement. Social services will not do anything because her friends and family are publicly supporting her.

Please help, because if we don't do something, nobody else will.

Link to the facebook group (click me).


  1. People like her shouldn't be alowed to pro-create, ever in their lives

  2. social darwinism at it's finest.....

  3. Wow, hopefully she was kidding lol

    other than that, its actually hilarious there´s a FB page about this.


  4. That is FUCKED up. Makes me so angry. How the fuck can she do this to her child, and herself??

  5. that is terrible i can't believe someone would do this

  6. Wow, that's horrible. I mean, I'm pretty desensitized, and this is still pushing it.

  7. I feel bad for the kid. He/she never knew what was coming and if they come out with any birth defects I really hope she isn't shallow enough to put it up for adoption. It was probably drinking that helped get her prgo in the first place.

  8. I saw this! This is reprehensible.
