Ghost Hound is the story of a highschooler named Taro Komori who suffers a recurring nightmare of a traumatic event that occurred when he was very young. Kidnapped by a mysterious man with his sister, Komori is forced to watch his older sister starve to death. The show then deals with Komori's day to day life and how the event has impacted him, thought it would seem as if his past is starting to catch up to him again. If I had to describe this story by comparison, if you've ever seen Serial Experiments Lain, imagine that story if it were told in a more straight-forward manner and replace the internet/computers with sake. Seriously.
Ghost Hound is animated beautifully, with fluid character motions and well-drawn scenery. It does feature some stereotypes: the silent badass who never comes to school, the somewhat dopey but lovable and smarter-than-he-acts protagonist, and the faithful, mischievous sidekick. It does, however, make little use of traditional anime techniques: there's very little panning and zoom, many of the scenes being drawn and shown from multiple angles (a sign of good quality in anime). Another thing I noticed is that Ghost Hound incorporates varying stylistic ideas and also has many things I have never seen drawn in an anime: a good example of this being a transistor radio in Komori's room (and a sneaky Star Wars reference if you can catch it), for the latter and Komori's dream sequences as the former.
The show itself is very psychological, delving into some deep issues that many shows don't dare to venture. Oh and the theme is incredible. You can watch all the episodes on Hulu too, ain't that grand?
Ghost Hound is animated beautifully, with fluid character motions and well-drawn scenery. It does feature some stereotypes: the silent badass who never comes to school, the somewhat dopey but lovable and smarter-than-he-acts protagonist, and the faithful, mischievous sidekick. It does, however, make little use of traditional anime techniques: there's very little panning and zoom, many of the scenes being drawn and shown from multiple angles (a sign of good quality in anime). Another thing I noticed is that Ghost Hound incorporates varying stylistic ideas and also has many things I have never seen drawn in an anime: a good example of this being a transistor radio in Komori's room (and a sneaky Star Wars reference if you can catch it), for the latter and Komori's dream sequences as the former.
The show itself is very psychological, delving into some deep issues that many shows don't dare to venture. Oh and the theme is incredible. You can watch all the episodes on Hulu too, ain't that grand?
Sounds like a good/deep show. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI loved this! Really strange, but good.
ReplyDeletegolly this is good!
ReplyDeleteand we get to watch it for free. I love the internet. Thank bro
ReplyDeletenice anime ill check it out
ReplyDeleteI love this, really strange, in a good way!
ReplyDeletelol i was just seeing this 2 weeks ago, it was amazing, even though i usually dont like these kind of animes, since they are drawn more like cartoons
ReplyDeleteLooks awesome, finally another anime that stands out among all the crap. Loved the comparison to Lain btw, really piqued my interest.
ReplyDeleteOh cool, need to spare some time to watch this!
ReplyDeleteThanks for showing!
sounds creepy...On my way to watch it
ReplyDeleteMight give this a watch. Seems cool.
ReplyDeletethats very cool.. gonna check this out.. thanks!
ReplyDeleteI used to be able to enjoy Anime, but I'd reached the conclusion that not too many good shows were being made. They still might prove me wrong though.
ReplyDeleteJust saw an episode it was... interesting to say the least :P
ReplyDeleteThat was pretty interesting, like to see more of it.
ReplyDeletelooks very nice. I will watch some episodes.