Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Kidcrash

What people have to say about The Kidcrash:

"They're pretty obscure." -Guy in a plaid shirt

"Who?" - My mom

"Wow, it's big." - Your mom

(Disclaimer: Only two of these are facts. You can still call me Sean though.)

Largely experimental, The Kidcrash spans multiple genres, including: indie rock, math rock, post-hardcore, screamo, and emo with influences from punk, thrash, and alternative rock. Combined together, The Kidcrash is sure to be something you've never heard before, and for the better; their unique soundscape blends passionate vocals and heavy driven guitar riffs with complex drum patterns and figuratively raw emotion.

A huge controversy surrounds the band and their record label, Lujo Records, as the company has claimed 100% royalty rights to the sales of their mp3s and continuously attempts to drain more money from the band for "fees" and other miscellaneous bullcrap. The band has asked, like so many before them, that you do NOT buy their albums unless you are at their shows and to instead download their music. Feel free to skip the album "New Ruins," if you enjoy The Kidcrash sound: it was creatively forced, an album made from the pressure of Lujo Records and does not represent who the band is, musically or emotionally.

The following is my favorite song by The Kidcrash, but it wasn't on YouTube, so I made a "video" for it myself. I can't video link it yet for some reason, but you can still listen to it:

This post is dedicate to my good buddy Jake. Keep rockin'.


  1. Holy shit! I didn't know anyone other than me who knows of kidcrash until now. :D

  2. Huh, they're not that bad actually. Think I'm gonna check some more of their stuff out.

  3. it's amazing. Idk how I've never heard of this band but I love this kind of music

  4. Damn, I can't believe the record company screwed them over like that.

    DLing right now.
